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Value of a Signature

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You are browsing around a garage sale and you spy a Longaberger Basket in mint condition. Next, you turn the basket over and it has the usual markings plus one more — a signature that reads Rich Longaberger. What does this mean?
Oftentimes, Longaberger enthusiasts try to get Longaberger family members to sign their baskets. Some like to get one or two signatures on many of their baskets and others prefer to take one special basket and get as many family signatures as possible on it. Whichever method you prefer, your time could pay off in the terms of collectibility.
The Longaberger Company realizes their loyal customers enjoy obtaining family signatures and offer ways for us to get them. A sibling is almost always at Longaberger Homestead or in one of the Dresden shops to offer a signature and a story. Also, family members, including Tami and Rachel, are often on hand at special Longaberger events. While they may not be attending simply to offer signatures, it is sometimes possible to approach them and ask for one.
How exactly does a signature affect a basket’s collectibility? Good question. Signed baskets are usually a bit harder to come by then those that are not, and certain signatures are even harder to obtain thus adding to a basket’s collectibility. For instance, signatures from Grandma Bonnie (Dave Longaberger’s mom) & Dave Longaberger himself could add up to $100 to a basket's value!  Signatures by Tami or Rachel Longaberger (Dave's daughters who currently lead the company) could add up to $50, depending on the basket.  Signatures of the the Longaberger siblings are more common, thus not adding as much; although it has been shown in the market that a basket with several signatures tends to be valued higher (add $30), than if there is just one or two.
Like anything having to do with the secondary market, a signature is not a concrete way to increase a basket’s collectibility, but it should help!  As with all secondary market transactions, ultimately the value to add will depend on the buyer and how much THEY value the signature.  Knowing that there are buyers out there who value a signature, if seller has one on their basket, it would benefit the seller to wait until the right buyer is located.
Anytime family signatures are mentioned a word of caution is deserved. Sometimes a potential buyer may ask the seller to guarantee a signature. Unless you personally witnessed the family member signing the basket it is wise not to guarantee the signature. Signatures are very hard to authenticate and unless you were there, we recommend you not personally guarantee who the actual signor was. The Longaberger Company is usually willing to do this for you, but it may require you sending in or dropping off your basket at the manufacturing facility to have it examined.  They will not authenticate anything by picture.
To view actual family signatures, click this link or click 'show images' when you are documenting the signature when you add your item into your inventory.  Click 'yes' on the signature field and the options should appear.