Product Exclusives
About Department 56 ...Product Exclusives
Exclusives are lighted buildings and Snowbabies™ that Department 56 design in conjunction with other companies who offer them for sale. Below you can see some of the exclusives and get more information on where and how to add them to your collection. These items are available only through the retail locations listed here.
An early release product is shipped to a limited number of retailers prior to the general release date. These pieces usually are introduced in the late fall and are made available for holiday decorating in the year they are introduced.
For example: In the fall of 2007, "Yuengling Tavern" 56.55626, was an early release to Boscov's Department Stores. The piece later became available to our regular authorized dealers as part of the December, 2007 Village introductions.
An exclusive product is made only for a select vendor and is not released for general distribution. Generally, this type of product does not appear on the Department 56 Collectible History lists.
For example: Products made for AVON ( and LTD Commodities ( are specially designed for these vendors and are not part of the regular issue for Department 56 collectibles.
A Tailored Piece has been commissioned by an independent retailer and is based on an existing lit building or accessory. These pieces feature custom coloring and/or signage and will be available only through the retailer listed with the product.
-- information from Dept 56 website --